Welcome to the BBS Service Provider Hub!

At BBS, we understand the importance of connecting our community with trusted and reliable resources.

That's why we've carefully vetted a network of top-tier service providers to ensure you have access to the best support available.

Whether you're seeking expert advice, specialized services, or innovative solutions, our recommended providers are here to help. 

Explore Our Vetted Providers

Each service provider in our network has been thoroughly reviewed to meet our high standards of excellence.

With a commitment to quality and reliability, you can confidently choose from our curated list of professionals who are knowledgeable, responsive, and dedicated to serving the needs of the BBS community.

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Dr. Frumi Barr

Leadership Training

Dr. Frumi is known as “The CEO’s Secret Weapon.” She focuses on culture first to create an environment that allows for the right decisions to be made regarding Vision, Culture, Strategy, Metrics, Execution, and Cash Management. She creates a safe place for leaders and teams to discuss what matters most. Dr. Frumi guides creative, ambitious CEOs who want to grow their businesses so they have more freedom and fabulous culture. She works with companies of all sizes to Scale Up and create greater alignment, effectiveness, and accountability to gain traction.

Jasmine Ober

As the founder & CEO of Pitch Genius, Jasmine has dedicated her career to supporting fundraising founders, and it has made her fluent in investor-speak. It’s how she developed a methodology for strategic investor communications that I’m proud to say makes it 45x more likely that a startup gets funded.

44.7% of our customers successfully raised their round (Updated Jan 2023). For perspective, only 0.05% of startups raise capital.

Call me when: You need every step covered to prepare for fundraising and due diligence, from modeling and market research to building a battle-tested narrative.

Matthew Cahill

Matthew's deep expertise in cognitive, social, and institutional biases is rooted in the belief that if you have a brain, you have bias®️. Matthew works with business leaders to identify hidden, and sometimes not-so-hidden biases, that are impacting company performance. We take a self-reflective approach to move organizations from bias to belonging®️.

Call me when: You have a small to midsize businesses on this spectrum:

>50 employees (VC-backed) fast-growing companies that want to ensure their strategic plans are engaging and inclusive. Or when you have

50+ employees ($5-500m) that have identified patterns of behavior within existing groups or specificindividuals that are contributing to employee attrition and/or a toxic work environment.

Michael Liebowitz

CEO, Magnetic Mind Studio

Every business has a powerful, compelling message. It defines you, it differentiates you, and it acts like a beacon attracting all your best clients and customers. Without it, you struggle to connect with your audience and they’re unlikely to buy. I leverage behavioral neurology and linguistics to create messaging strategies that target how the brain is wired to say YES and get 2x-5x higher returns on the business development you're already doing. Perfect for a new business to grab early success!

Call me when you’re struggling to figure out how to differentiate your business and want to know what to say in your marketing, networking, and sales that gets results without a lot of trial and error.

I have worked with over 100 small business owners to get their phones ringing, their “buy now” buttons clicked, and their mental state transformed from “This is frustrating” to “This is working!”

Jason Ciment

Get Visible is a seasoned brand strategy and digital marketing agency boasting a team of 20 professionals. Established in 2005, the firm serves a diverse, nationwide clientele of service providers, healthcare organizations, and businesses. Specializing in crafting an impactful online presence, Get Visible builds websites and promotes social media properties that position clients as industry frontrunners, achieving top visibility across search engines and social media channels. Get Visible works magic to transform brands that struggle to outshine competitors. With SEO, advertising management, and social media marketing, the agency elevates brands from relative obscurity to prominent online visibility. Imagine the shift: from being mere blips on prospects' radars to becoming local champions, regional powerhouses, and even formidable contenders in the national arena.
Get Visible gets you to #1 online.

Morvareed Z. Salehpour

Morvareed Z. Salehpour, Managing Attorney of Salehpour Legal, is an experienced business and tech lawyer with over a decade of experience in representing entrepreneurs, startups, and businesses. She personally understands the challenges of running a business and offers pragmatic, business-savvy legal advice. She integrates legal counsel with business strategy and takes a unique approach, helping you turn legal challenges into opportunities for growth and transforming legal services from a cost center to a revenue generator, ensuring your business thrives. Her core specialty areas include negotiating and drafting strong contracts and tech transactions to help clients scale and protect their startups and businesses, counseling clients on product launches, intellectual property licensing and protection, open-source issues, and data rights and privacy, and helping clients navigate mergers and acquisitions to successfully close deals.

Joe Polanin

Joe Polanin is an Award Winning CEO, Combat Veteran with 30 years of service in the U.S. Navy, and #1 Bestselling Author leading elite global enterprises to succeed on complex missions in high risk, high threat operational environments despite all obstacles. With more than 20 years as a successful CEO and COO, Joe's signature accomplishments include leadership of 3,900+ people, 19 business units in 72 countries on 3 continents, with an annual P&L of $847M. Together with his daughters, he provides customized senior executive leadership consulting and fractional C-suite support alongside inspirational speaking for expanding and transitioning middle market companies.

Call me when
you need a successful CEO, COO, or you have a challenge with:
1) Strategic Implementation: making your vision a reality

2) Operational Integration: achieving unity of effort across your organization

3) Change Leadership: igniting transformation and making it stick within your culture

I find the right way or make one to eliminate roadblocks and champion the movement.

Nicole Hanusek

Smack Happy DesignImagine a website so captivating and engaging, the
prospects decide to do business with you right there on the spot. This is what we do for our clients. We design websites that help them seal the deal with prospects, shortening the sales cycle and ultimately having more conversations with qualified leads. We are a premium design firm and we work with premium clients to support their website and marketing needs.

Call me when

You need a new website, ongoing WordPress maintenance, or
marketing support. You have a marketing strategy but you don't have the time or resources to implement the strategy. You don't have time to update your website or any of your marketing channels. You need print collateral like business cards, flyers, postcards. You care a lot about design, brand consistency, and how things look.

Chris M. King

Mark Twain said, "The two most important days of your life are the day you're born, and the day you find out why. Chris M. King ensures that clients know why they exist and holds them accountable to creating it. No one was born to work hard, pay taxes, and die. If you aren't living the life of your dreams, if your team or organization isn't accomplishing moonshot goals, it's time to call us when you have big dreams, little time, and no idea what to do, when your organization isn't done 10X more than expected, or when your business or life is running you instead of the other way around.Simply stated, call us when you're ready to make the seemingly impossible a reality.

Dennis Volpe

We get leaders and teams refocused . . . so their energy is directed towards

what really matters and they can get to their definition of success faster.

We partner with organizations to accelerate their leader development and team effectiveness to achieve Best-In-Class status in the areas that are important to them. We provide business and leadership consulting services, one on-one and team executive coaching expertise as well as strategic planning and research support.

“Call Me When”:

Your leaders and teams need to get refocused on what really matters. We

create the clarity, alignment, and structure necessary to get to your definition of

success faster.

Diana Iketani Iorlano

Founder/Managing Attorney, Iketani Law Corporation Data is everywhere and even small businesses have an obligation to protect customer and employee information. Data breaches happen nearly every day and you need to be ready for what happens next. Data privacy lawyers can help your business identify what needs to be in your website privacy policy (spoiler alert: every online business needs a privacy policy and it should be updated annually) and in your service agreements, how you can use customer data effectively, or whether you can monetize it. We partner with you to determine how best to comply with the law and still run your business. We can provide a complete privacy audit, or work on a project-based fee basis or on a monthly retainer. Call me when you’re collecting customer or employee personal data and need to comply with ever-changing privacy laws, like CCPA, HIPAA, GDPR and more. We draft Privacy Polices, Terms of Use, and negotiate contracts that include data privacy provisions. We also offer outside general counsel services if you don’t have an internal legal team.I am a former BigLaw attorney, and created my small firm to cater to small and mid-sized businesses and help them comply with applicable business laws. Everyone should have access to a great lawyer!

Randy Lieberman

Innovation drives business. Companies, however, too often miss out on a hidden treasure, which is available research and development (R&D) tax credits. Earnd is laser-focused on serving startups and more mature companies by helping them get the credit they deserve and, in the process, amplifying their capital resources by generating tax credits from their R&D investments. Earnd identifies and secures R&D tax credits that propel innovation. These funds enable companies to meet payroll or lower their income tax bills—opening the door for more investment in innovation.Every day, innovative companies take risks to develop and improve products, processes, and technologies across a wide range of industries, including aerospace & defense, agriculture, consumer packaged goods, manufacturing, materials sciences, software & technology, transportation, and many others. Whether a company is a startup or an established business, R&D can be a game-changer. Every dollar a company saves on taxes is another dollar that can be used to fund their mission,

Call me when you are developing new or improved products, processes, formulas, inventions or software in the United States. If you are a venture or private equity investor, we can help your portfolio companies recycle their most valuable dollars. Our team members have produced hundreds of millions of dollars in R&D tax credits and other incentives for hundreds of companies.

Mark Wald

Get there faster! If you’re a growing business or startup ready to scale but are struggling

because of manual back-and-forth processes through email and your financial data is buried in

spreadsheets – then your current back-office accounting is holding you back.

SPRCHRGR helps you automate and streamline everything from your accounts receivable,

payroll processing, bill payments, and more so that it doesn’t steal your time and attention. We

bring a technology-forward approach that syncs accounting, finance, data analysis, and

software optimization all in one.

Call me when you think, “There has to be a better, faster way.” We’ve learned from working with

300+ companies how to design the right outsourced team and create efficient systems that

unlock the clear, actionable data you need so you can supercharge your business.

Connect with confidence — discover how our vetted service providers can support your goals and contribute to your success